Well here I am titling my blog "Art and Aioli" and I go and give you a "semi-homemade" aioli recipe to start off with. Then just a couple weeks ago, I open up my Bon Appétit magazine and in it is an article by Molly Wizenberg AKA Orangette and it is all about MAYONNAISE!
Molly is a more than adept chef and a superb writer. I adore the line "...it sat atop a knife with a soft, endearing slump". It is just so visual. And I was just salivating at the end of the article (as her writing has done for me each time actually). I decided right then and there that I would try her recipe right away! How can I have a blog about mayonnaise (garlic or otherwise) without supplying a recipe that is completely from scratch. But then Danielle needed this and Nicholas needed that and there is the house and Miss 'N Nick Designs... Life has a habit of getting in the way of things sometimes! Plus, I really didn't need any mayonnaise or have anyone who would eat it. But I did finally just decide to do it. Who cares if I need it. I just wanted to try it out.
Molly's recipe calls for canola oil but suggests using extra virgin olive oil if you want to make aioli. I did not want to add the garlic to the whole recipe as I thought the kids might prefer it without the garlic. So I proceeded to make the plain mayonnaise but used the olive oil instead of cannola so that I could add the garlic later.
The emulsification was not that difficult actually. Molly says to add the drops one at a time but even if I had the patience, my 3 year old assistant did NOT. Still it came together and was smooth as I whisked. It is hard to hold the bowl still while whisking with one hand and pouring very slowly with the other. Maybe you need an assistant? Or a bowl that adheres to the tabletop?
My end result did not appear as a "...thick, silky sauce..." Rather it was VERY thick and slightly gelatinous in nature. Maybe I (with my zealous assistant) over whisked the eggs? Also as you see in the contrasting photos below, mine is much more yellow. Of course, I am not the photographer that Ms. Wizenberg is. And I did use the extra virgin olive oil too.

But I was disappointed. Disappointed in the taste. Disappointed in the appearance and my inability to replicate Molly's photo and enthusiasm (or abilities as is probably the case). Perhaps with a little practice....
And the recipe is here: http://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/241868
If you have any tips or suggestions, please feel free to share. I would love to hear your stories!
PS. Lisa just posted a wonderful sounding mint mayonnaise on her blog: What We Eat. It sounds wonderful with the lamb. Great photos too Lisa!
I've been making my own mayo for a few years now because of allergies. I make mine with egg, lemon juice, dry mustard,and oil. It's fun to experiment with different oils, and I often use a combination. The blender works great for making it in, if you can stand the noise. (But your way sounds nicer with a helper.)
Thank you Sherry! I will try that. Sounds great.
In all truth, this was not the first time I made mayonnaise. I have made aioli on a couple of occasions before. And each of those times I did use a blender. I had some problems with the emulsification once or twice... but one time it came out soooo amazingly perfect! I forget what recipe I used. It was the Sunday after 9/11 and so many horrible and frustrating things happened that week. I just cooked for 2 days straight and all the food was amazingly perfect. Funny. That was pre-children and pre-marriage when I cooked a lot more. Now not only do I not have that time but I hate to make so much food that no one will eat. My kids are still so young and not very well rounded and unfortunately my husband is a very VERY picky eater so it is no fun to experiment for him.
thanks for insight about the mayo - i have made it once but under a guidance of a chef @ a class ~ he made it so easy that i tried to repeat @ home and flustered.
i have allergies to store bot mayo, so the homemade definitely a lot more digestable.
actually i have been an avid buyer of veganaise (grape seed oil extract) - looks, smells and tastes like mayo - but no egg at all....let us know when you nailed the aioli~sure you will!
yes i recall the times of pre-kiddies and pre-hubby....remember all i had was my handbag & designer shades walking out the door....now i shlep STUFF & have my trusty bent up shades from target ;-)
I hear you about the shades! Boy I can barely see out of some of mine with all the scratches! Sad. I miss some of the "ME" time I used to have but wouldn't give it up for anything. These kids are amazing.
But the weird thing is I used to think that I was so busy and had no time for this or that when single. HA!!! Now with the kids... a WHOLE other story.
I feel so bad for you foodies with allergies. I am blessed to not have any know allergies at all! (knocking on my wooden desk right now as well as the noggin). I swear I could eat an old tire and not get an upset stomach! I can be soooo sick with any illness and still eat.
oh i've always wanted to try making aioli but its so intimidating and disappointing if it fails - i think i'll follow your tips there and i'll let you know!!!
i know how you feel about the difference pre-kids pre-husband with experimenting - it is definatley no fun if you go to all the trouble and no-one will eat it!
someone should start a "dinner party club" - wouldn't that be fun!
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